Atelier Eiffel, Paris-F.
Video Scenography and artistic interpretation of the new futuristic thriller of Philippe Nicholson “Extramuros”.
Live Videomapping for the book launch at Atelier Eiffel.
Thanks to Philippe Nicholson, DJ PEPITA, Jonathan Florez, About Fashion-Silke Geib, Pia Heldermann, Daniel & Romy, Mari Rizzo, Malo De Saint Venant, Philippe de Bailliencourt, Sandra de Bailliencourt, Atelier Eiffel-Isabelle Roque, Xavier de Cormis, Jean de Fabron, Maxime Double, Antoine Verdet. Photos: Jonathan Florez
„Hashtag Lost in the city that never sleeps Hashtag Empty shells on the streets Hashtag The life full of devices Hashtag In a lack of caresses Hashtag High-tech Hashtag No love Hashtag Neon lights don’t stop“ (Miss Kitttin)